Monday, 27 July 2020

At Odds with Just!!

We are becoming unimaginably at odds with the world we are living. Of course once a given people like us ignore its values and identities that kept it intact, aspirations and actions are at odds with everything around it.
Corona is a top topic for even useless and clueless media practitioners these days. Media practitioners that have no the gut and the enthusiasm to preparation, detail investigation and analysis of a given topic are seem to be celebrating that they have an issue to deal without even caring what they are saying.
It is abhorring to listen to a sport ‘journalist’ or an entertainment fanatic in studio saying again and again the same ‘sh..’ that even doesn’t make sense. People think when they are in front of the speaker in the studio and this is becoming already an accepted taboo.
This shame and derail is going again when we see companies who are at odds with what is reasonably just at this time in the country. I got a disturbing picture from an acquaintance who just arrived from abroad this morning.
Checking out from the Addis Ababa Bole International Airport looks like an exodus from a concentration camp. Passengers form almost all arriving planes were packed into a space where each were breathing each other and on one another. Of course I have been seeing annoying pictures on social media that people were confined on the doors of city managed Pharmacies to buy sanitization alcohol which was in short supply.
Who can explain this to me that this is not at odds with what actually is just in this time. I ask; who is the boss in this country? And who cares about law and order. We are talking about a killing disease declared worldwide pandemic. We are talking about a disease that killed thousands in countries that have better public health facilities and service capacities.
I specifically do not expect this from Ethiopian; from the countries carrier, from a country’s brand we expect model behavior and practice!!

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