Thursday, 13 August 2020


1.         Summary of the theories of HRD

a.       HRD develops to the level where its empowers staff to assume their development and ensure their contribution to the goal of the organization

b.      HRD ensures that there are training and development programs that have SMART objectives to be met

c.       HRD underscores that there are training and development an any organizations based on relevant Assessment of the Needs of the Staff

d.      HRD ensures the training and development tools and methods need to align with the training objectives

e.      HRD devises the ways to ensure that training and development programs are designed to bring about changes  planned to be achieved – for this training and development must be based on needs and there need to be ways to assessment the change in the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the staff


2. Theories of Employee resourcing

Resource Dependency Theory

The thesis of this theory is that employees are a scarce resource that should be carefully acquired, developed and retained.

Human Capital Theory

Considers employees as capital because of their individual, group, and organisational knowledge they possess and is a strong base for competitive advantage.


3. Limitations of Human Resource forecasting Approaches 

Top Down Approach 

·         Decentralized human resource demand forecasting is affected

·         Poor commitment and motivation on the part of the managers

·         Weak link between organizational goals with unit objectives,

·         Poor use of managers knowledge of the current working practices, technology used and performance levels that can be achieved

Bottom up approach

        Human resource assessment based on personal preferences rather than job requirements.

        Entrenchment of the existing work practices and procedures instead of looking for better ways of improving productivity.

        Difficulties in assessing the performance of administrative staff.

        The tendency to overstate staff requirements for contingency purposes.

 4. National Human Resource Forecasting

        Consider the annual economic sectors’ growth for the planning period

        Review the stock of labour in the base year.

        Translate the annual economic growth in terms of labour requirement

        Consider the attrition rate due to retirement, deaths etc,

        Consider the number of people leaving schools, colleges etc.

        Monitor the unemployment rate,

        Fill the gap between demand and supply

Laws related to Employment in Ethiopia

        Labor law

        Public Employees Law

        Private employees Law

        Public Employees Social Security Law

        Private Employees Social Security Law

        Human Resource Development Policy of Ethiopia

 5. Organizational analysis


        human resources

        effectiveness and

        internal environment

o   corporate strategic plan

o   human resource strategy

o   reports,

o   minutes

o   policies and laws,

o   market trends and

o    global patterns.

6. Job analysis/Job Description

        tasks in the job,

        steps to perform jobs

        Different tasks in a job

        requirements for respective tasks


o   human resource manuals,

o   job descriptions,

o   managers or

o   supervisors

o   persons o   observation

7. Job Grading

Individual analysis/Job Specification

  1.         Performance appraisal
  2.         Job description and
  3.         Person specification

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