Friday, 18 April 2014

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research
By Getchew Melaku

Types of qualitative research
  1. 1.  Ethnographic
  2. 2.       Historical
  3. 3.       Case study
  4. 4.       Action research

Tools data collection
  1. 1.       Interview (dramaturgical)
  2. 2.       Observation(ethnographic field strategies)
  3. 3.       field note
  4. 4.       Document review (archival strategies)

Approaches of data analysis
  1. 1.       Interpretive
  2. 2.       Social anthropological
  3. 3.       Collaborative social research

Content analysis
  1. 1.       Manifest content
  2. 2.       Latent content

Levelling contents
  1. 1.       Element
  2. 2.       Unit
  3. 3.       Category
  4. 4.       Classes

  1. 1.       Open coding
  2. 2.       Closed coding

Tools for analysis of coded data
  1. 1.        Word processor
  2. 2.       Text retriever
  3. 3.       Textbase manager
  4. 4.       Code-and –retrieve program
  5. 5.       Code-Based theory builder
  6. 6.       Concept network builder

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