በ በሁለተኛው ሺ በመጀመሪያው ክፍለ ዘመን አስራ አራተኛው አመት ላይ የተከበሩት የልደት/ገናና ጥምቀት በአላት ልዩ ትዝታ የነበራቸው ናቸው።
ፎቶዎች እንደሚናገሩት ከቤተሰብ ጋር የነበረው መስተጋብር እጅግ ልብ የሚጠግንና ተስፋ የሚሰጠሰ ነበር። በጤና ኖሮ ሁሉንም ነገር ማየት መታደልም መመስገንም ነው።
የእድሜና የጤና ጌቴ ከተቤዠን ብዙውን እናገኛለን። ደስታችንም ይበረክታል።
በፈጣሪ እናት በእመቤታችን ፀሎት ምልጃና በረከት ተከበን አመታት አለፉ፤ ያልፋሉም።
ምስጋና በረከትን ስለምታመጣ ተስፋን ስለምትሰጥ ማመስገን ብልሀት ነው።
Working for Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry was an amazing experience to know more about African Business and Economic nightmares
With traditional Raya dressing, Thanks to Mahlet who made this happne
Enjoying Koko Juice on the streets of Accra, Ghana
You want to start something great start with a clean Table but a note/Laptop in front of you
A time to Sodera was rewarding with enjoying the hot-spring of Abadir natural fountain
Was also thinking investment on the rural plot of land that my mother own
Travel and Trouble are the two best teachers of Man
I called this the expendable of Mr. Melaku
A naughty but caring sister is what everyone deserves
Was expecting the Lady with excitement
Excitement in winning a project is among the most joyous feeling
EOTC is where we are made