Saturday, 2 February 2013

Research Competencies framework

For that last three weeks I have been busy with coordinating a team that is working on the production on a research competency framework that helps:

1. Identify the competencies required of researchers working for the Ethiopian Civil Service University. 
2. Identify the gaps (knowledge, Skills and behavior) of the researchers in the University so as to produce a quality research piece
3. Facilitate the process of capacity development activities
4. Guide research practices complementing the Research Police and guideline available
5. Serve as a tool to enable production of quality research work.

We have referred different documents on competencies and framework production, research practices. We have also visited some research centers and learned the practices they follow in
1. Granting fund to research works
2. Select proposals for funding
3. Choose reviewers and evaluators of research works

The information collected this way were used to building on the framework that we have aspired.

Last Thursday, Jan 28, 2013 was a day of success. We produced the first draft of the document. I am glad that our consultants National School of Government International (UK) appreciated the work.

Next time I will come with what happened afterwards.
