Thursday, 14 November 2013

School Leadership Training in Mekele regional State

Once again British Council has embarked on a school leadership capacity development program in Tigray Regional State of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

The three days training from November8-10, 2013 was a great experience for me and fellow trainers.
I am glad that I was with all these experienced, talented and motivated school leaders from all over the region. 

According to the plan the training will continue in SNNPR soon. The tempo is great and lessons are being added on.

Thanks to the British Council for the chance.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

A training on Positive thinking Assertiveness and Communication

The training lasted for three days for two different groups. It is a total of six days. though I can say that I got a relevant experience on training at lower level management and staff level, It was challenging to gain the attention of the participants. I have learned that if training are prescribed by top management, the end result is entertaining the resentment of the participants if you are lucky of end up without success.

I wished I have the authority for one day to guide the training and development system in civil service institutions in the country.  It is funny that those politically affiliated management members see the staff as parties that need to be treated by another party than themselves for every problem, such as external trainer like myself. I do not know what kind of result they expect form the staff that they treat in this way.

Please God give as managers who are considerate!!!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

A training on Team-building, Coaching and Mentoring

Target Participants: Top Management from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia.
Duration: three days (18 h)

Major Contents

  • Team vs Group
  • How to form teams? 
  • Why form teams?
  • Team development stages
  • Types of team 
  • How to monitor the success of teams?
  • What is really coaching?
  • Who is to be coached?
  • coaching styles and strategies
  • Skills for coaching 
  • What is Mentoring?
  • Who to be mentored?
  • Skills for mentoring

What an interesting moment was these three days. Not only the theoretical concept that is the based for every understanding, I also practically shared my experience in team building coaching and mentoring in different position I assumed. Above all the contribution of the participants was immense.

It was also a chance for me to demonstrate my expertise to the Ethiopian Management Institute where I am working as an associate consultant.

Material is available on Google Box to be shared.

See You

Monday, 27 May 2013

A Training on Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

Hi everyone again

Last week was busy and tiring due to the fact that I was facilitating a training in a topic above the whole week; about 7 hours a day. It was exciting. The tailored training for this special group who work in civil service ministry as inspectors was a complete success. YES!!! 

The major skills to be practiced by participants were
  1. Monitoring and evaluation framework
  2. Monitoring matrix
  3. Monitoring checklist
  4. Evaluation matrix and 
  5. Data collection tools for evaluation
  6. Reporting- organizing reports and developing basic skills of outlining- format, content and language editing
I am looking forward the next training for reform implementation facilitators from the Civil Service Ministry of Ethiopia.


Thursday, 18 April 2013

Preparing for two trainings at the same time!!

Preparing for two trainings at the same time

Hi everyone!!

have you ever had a a chance, I dont know if i can call it a chance, to prepare for two different trainings at the same time?

Here is mine xperience

Training on monitoring, evaluation and reporting for staff of the Federal Civil Service Ministy of Ethiopia. It is a quite interesting topic and I think I am very good at it considering my experience in facilitating similar trainings in different contexts such as Project planners, Strategic Planners and operation paln implementation staff of different organizations.

The second training is on Modular curriculum development and module writing for the senior staff of the federal police short term training department. It is my pleasure to facilitate this training considering that I am, may be, the first freelance trainer who started consulting institutions on Modular Curriculum Development in the Context of Ethiopian Education system. I am also proud that I am contributing towards the better undertaning of the issues through my practical work in consulting the same in sutitution two years before and working in areas related to that.

I will post my training documents after the traning is conducted

See you then
Take care.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Courses on International Learning and Global Citizenship

For those who are interested to konw more about online courses on International Learning and Global Citizenship. More course are coming in for free.

The course I completed and certified for so far are:
  1. International learning- getting started
  2. Educationa for Global Citizenship
  3. Inter cultural and global awarness and
  4. Sustainable partnership
Enjoy the courses and make a difference in your life, work experience and insight about the world. You can use the following link to access the courses.

Good Luck

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Research Competencies framework

For that last three weeks I have been busy with coordinating a team that is working on the production on a research competency framework that helps:

1. Identify the competencies required of researchers working for the Ethiopian Civil Service University. 
2. Identify the gaps (knowledge, Skills and behavior) of the researchers in the University so as to produce a quality research piece
3. Facilitate the process of capacity development activities
4. Guide research practices complementing the Research Police and guideline available
5. Serve as a tool to enable production of quality research work.

We have referred different documents on competencies and framework production, research practices. We have also visited some research centers and learned the practices they follow in
1. Granting fund to research works
2. Select proposals for funding
3. Choose reviewers and evaluators of research works

The information collected this way were used to building on the framework that we have aspired.

Last Thursday, Jan 28, 2013 was a day of success. We produced the first draft of the document. I am glad that our consultants National School of Government International (UK) appreciated the work.

Next time I will come with what happened afterwards.
