Sunday, 23 February 2025

Yes I Failed

 Failure is a Lesson 

I assumed a position at a manufacturing company in Ethiopia. The owner asked me following the recommendation of a person close to the owner. My past experience with the company as a consultant in marketing and strategy four years ago resulted to the invitation. The offer was to join the company in either part time or full time basis.

The offer was abrupt; but I am always ready for such kinds of tasks since the time I started working as a consultant setting up Nizenu (My Consultancy firm since 2016). My desire for challenges at work however goes back to the time I can’t remember.

I had an almost two months discussion and negotiation and started the assignment as Director of Corporate Marketing and Sales in full time basis.

I was provided with a job description and the discussions (which I had role in editing and clarifying)  I had with the owner that my job is to implement strategies and plans towards curbing the declining sales performance in the company and support the organization of the Corporate Structure of the company.

I quickly made an assessment and put in place plan that helped identified challenges and suggested ways to improve performance. I even put in place quick fix mechanisms that can help redirect the operation of the directorate.

The staff was compliant but slow in coming to terms with the operational activities and standards as professional marketing and sales persons. I learned that the change has been taking ground. System is put in place and what is remaining was to making the wheel go.

However, since decisions were highly centralized implementation of all measures to fix issues at team level was very slow.  The critical cash flow bottleneck was also another challenge I witnessed.

Sell has neither changed nor show further decline. That gave me a sign that it is time to engage in implementing the major strategic intervention that I called ‘resuscitating Action’. It is like putting all teams in their respective capacities and with targets to address sales gaps engaging myself too.

All of a sudden I heard that the management is not happy in the two months performance of my team that is put together. The main comment was ‘Team is not Built well’ I didn’t even understand where that comment come from.

After two months and fifteen days I was asked to resign for poor performance. Though it is just an expected and new experience in my life in the last 24 years I was not surprised.

Yes; I failed and I couldn’t meet my client’s expectations!!!

Nevertheless, I learned that the meaning of ‘Team was not built’ as I didn’t fire people who are not wanted around. I found out that there were people who are around before me and the owner does want them to go but doesn’t was to do it and make it personal. I also learned that the company has had bad experience managing employee departure that resulted in losing court cases and winning bad image.

I was quick to understand these guys are the ambitious marketing and sales people to work with not to fire. They have had irregularities in their engagement with the owner that has been rolling down. However, I learned that I decided to keep these guys understanding how to use them but in the eyes of the owner I failed.

As a policy I believe that manager’s job is to identify the qualities and skills of the team members and engage them with resources and support. It must have been clear that change costs.

I was the verge of doing such a change. What a bad luck!!!

I failed but I took my lesson why?

Another important lesson is that companies who are stack in performance and also are unable to supply more resources that help re-invent the wheel are more likely to repeat the same mistake again and again.

I wish for this not to happen to the company!!!

Saturday, 23 July 2022

NIZENU Center Coming

NIZENU Personal and Professional Development Center is coming with bold strategy and mission

Saturday, 29 January 2022

የልደትና ጥምቀት በአላት ግሩም ትዝታዎች

 በ በሁለተኛው ሺ በመጀመሪያው ክፍለ ዘመን አስራ አራተኛው አመት ላይ የተከበሩት የልደት/ገናና ጥምቀት በአላት ልዩ ትዝታ የነበራቸው ናቸው።

ፎቶዎች እንደሚናገሩት ከቤተሰብ ጋር የነበረው መስተጋብር እጅግ ልብ የሚጠግንና ተስፋ የሚሰጠሰ ነበር። በጤና ኖሮ ሁሉንም ነገር ማየት መታደልም መመስገንም ነው።

የእድሜና የጤና ጌቴ ከተቤዠን ብዙውን እናገኛለን። ደስታችንም ይበረክታል።

በፈጣሪ እናት በእመቤታችን ፀሎት ምልጃና በረከት ተከበን አመታት አለፉ፤ ያልፋሉም።

ምስጋና በረከትን ስለምታመጣ ተስፋን ስለምትሰጥ ማመስገን ብልሀት ነው።

Working for Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry was an amazing experience to know more about African Business and Economic nightmares

With traditional Raya dressing, Thanks to Mahlet who made this happne

Enjoying Koko Juice on the streets of Accra, Ghana

You want to start something great start with a clean Table but a note/Laptop in front of you

A time to Sodera was rewarding with enjoying the hot-spring of Abadir natural fountain 

Was also thinking investment on the rural plot of land that my mother own

Travel and Trouble are the two best teachers of Man

I called this the expendable of Mr. Melaku

A naughty but caring sister is what everyone deserves 

Was expecting the Lady with excitement

Excitement in winning a project is among the most joyous feeling 

EOTC is where we are made 

Horse ride on the bitch of Atlantic Ocean in Accra Ghana